Mar 31, 2010

easter is coming up

Hello my dear students. Long time no "see" . :) I've been a bit busy grading your tests and doing some other stuff like EPI reading badge BUT now I'm back. As I said in the title Easter is coming up and I would like to know what this holiday means to you. Do you like Easter? Why, why not? Is it just fun because you get a school free day and because of the food or does it have some deeper meaning for you?? What do you do, what do you eat, where do you go,....????

Mar 18, 2010

Things people eat or the truth about Mcdonalds!!

We are talking about food these days so this seems to be a good discusion for our next blog post!
Watch the video first. What do you think is the point he is trying to make? What do you think about fast food? Do you like it?

PS: Caution to those with weak stomachs!!It is absolutely disgusting!! :)

Mar 14, 2010

play the game, win a fantastic prize

Big audio dynamite, E = mc²

The first person that can guess why I 've put up this link today(March 14th), gets an award. Answers are due on Monday! Don't tell anyone else! Just one person gets the prize!!! :):) Watch the video (the link) and then think, think, think!!!!! :):)
Good luck :)

Mar 8, 2010

strong wind in ajdovščina

My dear 7t graders. As you probably know I'm not a native Primorka:) but I 've lived here only for four years. I can't get use to the strong wind and now they say that it's going to blow up to 200km/h this week!!!!! Any suggestions for you poor teacher?? How to survive??

Mar 4, 2010

EPI Reading Badge- reminder!!

My dear 7th graders. If I forget to tell you in class this is just a short reminder!! EPI reading badge competition is on March 18th. All worksheets (about books) must be handed in at least three days before!!! Have fun reading. :)

olympic games in Vancouver

The Olympic games are over. Did you watch and cheer? Who did you cheer for? What do you think about the Games??