Mar 8, 2010

strong wind in ajdovščina

My dear 7t graders. As you probably know I'm not a native Primorka:) but I 've lived here only for four years. I can't get use to the strong wind and now they say that it's going to blow up to 200km/h this week!!!!! Any suggestions for you poor teacher?? How to survive??


  1. I think this is good- no asking. Stay at home. Plz.

  2. i agree too but in old times people just lie down and waited that the strong wind passed!!!maybe just stories my mum teled methis one.well it can be true:)

  3. i posted that but my father was registered on gmail so from there that name now too:)

  4. I can't stay at home. I have to go to school and teach you! :):):)

  5. it looks you got you wish! school is out tomorrow!! :) Have fun everyone.

  6. ahhhh, the wind wouldn't blow sooooooooooo much...

  7. yes this wind is very strong but i like it. Mito can we go outside and play some football.

  8. Well, if I were you, I would put a lot of rocks in my bag and that would help as:
    1. an exercies product (you would get very strong)

    2. a don't-blow-me-away product (it would make you heavy and the wind wouldn't blow you away)

    3. an accessory (you know.. stones in bags are very popular these days :D :D)

    Good luck!

  9. i agree with you Katka but you forgot something, people would think you are crazy...well after all this is a whole point isn't it???

  10. Rocks can kill you :O

  11. Katka, thank you for your idea. Very interesting! There is just one problem, where would I put my books if my bag was full of rocks??? :):):)

  12. i agree with honey. :)

  13. well.. I actually don't know.... You can have two bags.. you'll look fancier... xD.. just a suggestion...

  14. oooorrr... you can simply change the rocks with heavy books...
